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General Assembly 1(DISEC)

Head Chair

Jenny Wu

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Greetings delegates!


My name is Jenny Wu, and I am a current junior. It is my utmost honor to serve as your Head Chair this year at TAIMUN XXIII. This conference will be my fourteenth overall, my third time as a chair, and my fifth time participating in this committee. It also marks my second time chairing GA1.


Despite my initial reluctance and insecurity toward public speaking, I pushed myself to step up, share my ideas, and make connections, setting new goals for each conference. I’m proud that these efforts helped me build confidence, and in the process, I discovered a newfound passion for debating. Since then, MUN has played a significant role in shaping my extroverted nature.


In hindsight, I’ve come to realize that MUN has given me valuable practice in public speaking and social skills that I once took for granted. I hope that after this conference, you’ll be able to learn something new or even develop a passion for it.


Outside of MUN, you can find me cheering on my NHL team (let’s go, Hawks!), strumming my guitar, binge-watching Netflix, or reading novels. Whether it’s related to MUN or any other subject you’d like to discuss, feel free to reach out! You can contact me through my Instagram inbox (@jjynxw) or via email at


With that stated, I can’t wait to meet you all in March!

Deputy Chair

Sara Maeda

Greetings Delegates!


My name is Sara Maeda, a junior at Linkou Kang Chiao International School, and it is my honor to serve as your Deputy Chair in General Assembly 1 at TAIMUN XXIII.


My MUN journey started in grade 9. And at that time, I was unfamiliar with MUN procedures, the flow of debate, guidelines for drafting resolutions. I felt shy and unconfident to deliver speeches, ask questions, and respond to POIs. However, my passion and interest in global issues and international relations motivated me to share my ideas and perspectives with other enthusiastic MUNers. Through participating in conferences and pushing myself out of my comfort zone, I gradually acquired abilities in public speaking, collaboration, writing clauses, and furthermore. Knowing the difficulties to overcome these hurdles, I hope to share my experience and help others! I am excited to facilitate debate in General Assembly 1, and I encourage every one of you to participate actively in TAIMUN, building confidence, making new connections, unforgettable experiences, and memories!


Outside of MUN, I enjoy playing violin, piano, listening to music, playing basketball with my friends, and more! I find joy in everything I do, so please feel free to reach out to me about MUN and any other interests! You can contact me via email at saramaeda13tw@gmail or on Instagram at sara_o0o0__.


With that being said, I look forward to an engaging conference and can’t wait to see you all in March!

GA1 Sara Maeda.HEIC

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