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Executive Announcements

Laura Moye


Dear Delegates and Special Guests,


It is our honor to welcome you to TAIMUN XXII. Every year, we see challenges around the world that call for global cooperation and thoughtful, determined action. As of November, 2023, we see an ongoing war in Ukraine, another COP meeting to tackle climate change, ethnic killings in Sudan, the ongoing struggle for human rights in Afghanistan, and a spate of war crimes and a humanitarian disaster in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. 


Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations. However, the issues we discuss are beyond real. They are issues that impact the lives of real people in real conflicts and dire situations. These situations call for the very best of us, as human beings, to navigate the complex dynamics of our imperfect world to seek solutions that can improve the lives of all people and protect our fragile planet.


The Secretariat has chosen the theme, “Painting a New Horizon: Bold Solutions From the Next Generation.” For me, this is a challenge to you, today’s youth, to embrace the opportunity to make your mark as global citizens and problem solvers. Older generations have left you some tools, but also many unresolved problems. You do not have to accept the horizon that we see today, your efforts could change that picture. Fresh thinking, radical hope, and cooperation from your generation could do just that. 


Perhaps you will ask one hundred POIs or offer ten amendments to various resolutions. However, MUN is not about winning a stats competition. It is about problem solving with other young diplomats. It is about learning about global issues and global politics and figuring out how to make contributions that will change the horizon. It is about crafting and realizing a vision of a more humane and sustainable future.


With Hope,


Laura Moye

AST MUN Director

Angel Weng

Honorable Secretariat, Chairs, Delegates, and Guests, 


     Welcome to the twenty-second session of Taiwan Model United Nations! I am Angel Weng, a junior at American School in Taichung, and it is my utmost honor to serve as the Secretary-General for TAIMUN XXII. Four years ago, I stood at the podium of my first MUN conference. Following that experience, I thought I wouldn’t attend any more conferences. Little did I realize that MUN would soon blossom into a profound passion of mine. Throughout my journey, MUN has enhanced my comprehension of global issues circulating in our world, fostered my appreciation for respective viewpoints, and expanded my connections with multiple people worldwide. 


     This year, our theme “Painting Our New Horizon: Bold Solutions from the Next Generation” brings us back to the roots of MUN and echoes the message that we the youth have the power to shape our future. This is the primary purpose we all gather to participate in MUN conferences: to come up with diverse solutions to the global challenges—humanitarian crises, political disputes, climate change, and more—that plague our world for a brighter future. As part of the MUN community, it is our responsibility as global citizens to voice our opinions and take action to address global issues to paint a new horizon for future generations and beyond. 


    As I approach my closing remarks, I hope this conference will be a memorable experience for all delegates, chairs, directors, and guests. MUN will be a life-changing experience that will engage and inspire you in multiple ways as it once did to me. With that being said, the TAIMUN team and I look forward to seeing everyone at TAIMUN XXII in March 2024.


Warm regards, 

Angel Weng 


Taiwan Model United Nations, 22nd Session

Secretary General

Angel Weng.JPG
John Kao.JPG

Honorable Chairs, Fellow Delegates and the Most Esteemed Guests,


I am John Kao, a junior studying at the American School in Taichung. I will be serving as your deputy secretary general for TAIMUN XXII. This year’s theme, “Painting Our New Horizons,” highlights the importance of taking control of our future, together. 

This is my third time participating in TAIMUN and the first time I am a DSG. I hope we all can learn a lot from this conference. 

Lastly, a word of advice for the delegates. Although Model United Nations is well known for debate, please remember to prioritize finding common ground. In its essence, the United Nations is made up of collaboration and compromise, and I hope our TAIMUN conference will reflect these values.


Kind regards, 

John Kao

Deputy Secretary-General

Taiwan Model United Nations, 22nd Session

John Kao

Honorable Secretariat, directors, and guests, 

My name is Chloe Lau and I am so excited to be serving as your DSG for this upcoming TAIMUN conference! I have attended TAIMUN a total of 4 times during my high school career, and will be happy and sad to say that TAIMUN would be my last MUN conference as a senior. I am so looking forward to seeing all of your happy faces and am enthusiastic of this fantastic conference ahead. 

I started my MUN journey when I was in 5th grade, only a small page for Security Council. Even though I was sitting on a chair for 2 hours straight through lobbying, once the note passing commenced and the delegates began debating their issues, I was hooked and was literally on the edge of my seat. Right then and there, I decided that MUN was going to be a big facet of my life. Since little 5th grade Chloe, I have been in every MUN position possible, from delegate to co- chair to head chair to you name it! Through my extensive experience however, I have learned that MUN is hinged on collaboration and cooperation and that the sole person who makes the conference worth it and memorable is yourself. When I was in Malaysia for my first conference in 7th grade, I was so shy and timid when I looked at my big highschool chairs. My mentor at the time who was in 11th grade, Emily, said that I didn't need to be scared because I am surrounded by people who only want to see me succeed. After that, I began participating and making the conference fun for myself! 

This is why MUN is so great: we all want to see you succeed and have fun. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me! I love meeting new people and making new friends; the more the merrier.

Deputy Secretary General

Chloe Lau

Chloe Lau (DSG).jpg

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